This little dish is worn out now
Its soft pink glaze is chipped in spots
There is a crack that runs across,
A crescent edge is broke clean off.
Yet I use it often times.
Its pleasant shape of curving edge
So charming and feminine
Can one place gender in a dish?
Perhaps the flavors of foods she held
Have suffused themselves
And given weight of character;
A grand luster to this little Limoges.
Gentle style, pleasing form
All that rest on her adorned as
She carries nourishments with open hand.
Care in handling – perhaps some bandaging
Such damage does command.
Still useful in her artful way
Through a lifetime of bumps and scrapes yet
Her filigree curves smoothly to the touch
The world grows things to throw away
This plate I’ll keep another day.
"A grand luster to this little Limoges"