Thursday, June 18, 2009

Turning Stones

A windy day 
Brings a sense of new direction
Of letting go —
Relax of tension

Leaves are pinwheels on their branches
Twisting off some fall to water
To sail along in swirling dances
Till some settle on a stone
To decorate with their dried bones

Bones and bones, their dried bones

The shifting waters of the stream
Speak ceaselessly of living dreams
Secrets someone needs to seek
Distant lines to cross and keep

Waterfall and tumbling stone
All writing on the Earth
Of home

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Smoked Mozzarella Reminds Me

Campfire on the mountaintop

Flickering red/orange light

Highlighting hands reaching out

For warmth in this crisp dark

Tunnel that is the forest shroud

Trees looming in the limelight

Proscenium arch of pine and cedar

In the morning, dew dampens

Everything – except the white ash

Dancing from the lingering heat

And it all smells so smoky

The tent, the down bag, the pack,

The clothes, the boots, the parka,

The dirt under your fingernails,

The woolen hat

All so smoky. 

©2009 Su Polo 3/30/09 

Sunday, June 14, 2009

In Waves

Oh you last, bright sliver of Sun
I watch as you set down between buildings
With my heart
In waves of light
Sine, Cosine,
Sine, Cosine.
My heart rides the 
Tangent Boat.

I sing my heart.
The sound pours in
Watery waves,
Sine, Cosine,
Sine, Cosine.
My words ride the
Tangent Boat.

Footsteps take me across town,
Heels rapping the pavement
Echoing up and down town,
Sine, Cosine,
Sine, Cosine,
I pace the deck of the 
Tangent Boat,
Rocking along

©1998 & 2009 Su Polo 

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Night Dream

Tonight, when the edge of the world 
Presents itself,
I will acquiesce;
Letting open the door to
That messy room – overstuffed 
With the undone
And the confoundlings, the hysteric 
Children of my mental children in 
Constant replication in proportion
To the pattern of uninterrupted issues & time.

They will call to me
For review and release.

Perhaps I will pick one orphan to 
Bring to light – to adopt for a time
Till it finds a home.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Whisper

I was wondering how you are, though

Our friendship did not go far

The cold, dark night of fear crept in and 

I fell into that dark.

Did you find yourself in love?

Is she with you now?

Does she fill your heart?

Does she really care?

Pull back the night

Pull back the day

Pull the surface back

Pull it all away.

I am burning still, after all this time

My thoughts are flaming coals

A burning light

Has invaded my soul.

I send my thoughts out to you.

I hope they brush your mind,

Your cheeks, your lips, your eyes.

A touch bound by the wind

A touch light as a feather

A touch as quiet as a whisper

A whisper is a kiss

I whisper

All the time

Your name

And mine.

© 2009 Su Polo 

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Lone Soul

It's Night in New York City
Alphabet City wake up call
The muse wants me
Wants me to wander
The lone soul jonesing 
For sounds
Background noise
Is a song
In the key
Of free

Friday, June 5, 2009

Beyond Reason

Beyond reason

Beyond the mind 

the heart is the doorway

To the bottomless ocean

Called The Soul.

What has fallen in is a stone.

Upon it, carved deeply, is your name.

It is falling deeper and deeper.

It will never wear away.

Perhaps one day, my magic turtle will 

Carry it back from the depths and 

Return it to my hand.  There it will

Melt into your beating heart.  

You will come to claim it 

And we will share the joy of 

Finding you 

Whole once more.

We will live by the shore

And swim in the



©1996 & 2009 Su Polo